Nick had previously worked with John and Chris on various projects within the industry, and joined EMS in 2013 to assist with his expertise in growing the company and particularly the fabrication shop. Nick has a vast experience within the industry in many areas, and is very highly regarded. Nick also hold CSCS & CPCS Management Accreditations within the industry. Nick also holds the position of  RWC for the company, which is a management position invloving our CE Protocol which is worked to for ALL Structural Steel fabrication, as this is a Legal Requirement for 2013.

Group Divisions:

The EMS Group currently have 3 dedicated divisions: Asset Management, Industrial Projects & Earthwork Projects.

ems logo asset assets/FeaturedImages/division-asset.jpg Asset Management

Asset Management to include Vehicles, Plant, Machinery, Equipment, Bankrupt Stock Property and Land.

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ems industrial projects logo assets/FeaturedImages/division-industrial.jpg Industrial Projects

Specialists in the removal, relocation and installation of industrial machinery, plant and associated services.

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ems earthwork projects logo assets/FeaturedImages/division-restoration.jpg Earthwork Projects

A wealth of experience in remediation and restoration with a modern fleet of handling equipment and experienced staff.

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Safe Contractor Approved